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:   Tyrannus ministry
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  Tyrannus ministry

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   sena ()

  Tyrannus ministry



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  ͷ ٶϴ. ( 02-6412-0125 / nice@nicebook.kr)


4 Spiritual Appetizer
5 QT Note
6 Calendar
8 How to Use Sena
10 Into the Bible

Daily Devotionals
14 1 Kings 1-11

84 Life & Faith_A New Standard for Health
86 Finish the Mission_Many Hear Gospel in Belgium
89 Dear Sena_I struggle to tell people what I really think or feel.
92 Stories of Compassion_A Joyful Greenhouse
96 Walk the Walk_Laura Howe: Making the Church a Place of Hope
100 Sena Review

Weekly Bible Studies
104 Weekly Bible Study 1 Gods Promises and His King
106 Weekly Bible Study 2 Undivided Devotion
108 Weekly Bible Study 3 The Glory of the Lord
110 Weekly Bible Study 4 The Purpose of Obedience
112 Weekly Bible Study Guidelines

120 Meet the Team
124 Credits
End Stickers

 ϴ ڵ QTԴϴ. ûҳ ̿ ´ ؼ Բϴ dzϰ ſ ֵ ̰ Դϴ.<BR> <BR> Sena is a comprehensive QT magazine that consists of devotionals, Sunday School materials, and articles geared toward teens. Sena offers guidance for building up the youth in the Word of God and helping them choose sound biblical values rather than simply following current culture. Like a good friend, Sena comes alongside the youth and supports and encourages them.

4 Spiritual Appetizer
5 QT Note
6 Calendar
8 How to Use Sena
10 Into the Bible

Daily Devotionals
14 Psalms 42-61; Passion Week QT

86 Life & Faith Marked by Love
88 Finish the Mission_Refugee Journeys from the Jungle to Baptist Childrens Homes in Oklahoma
91 Dear Sena_How do you know Gods will?
94 Stories of Compassion No Classroom, Still Learning
98 Walk the Walk Brenda Pauken: Beyond Boundaries
102 Sena Review

Weekly Bible Studies
106 Weekly Bible Study 1 A Spirit-Filled Life
108 Weekly Bible Study 2 Be Still
110 Weekly Bible Study 3 Transformative Forgiveness
112 Weekly Bible Study 4 Gods Glory and Our Prayers
114 Weekly Bible Study 5 Defense against Temptation
116 Weekly Bible Study Guidelines

126 Meet the Team
128 Credits
End Stickers

 ϴ ڵ QTԴϴ. ûҳ ̿ ´ ؼ Բϴ dzϰ ſ ֵ ̰ Դϴ.<BR> <BR> Sena is a comprehensive QT magazine that consists of devotionals, Sunday School materials, and articles geared toward teens. Sena offers guidance for building up the youth in the Word of God and helping them choose sound biblical values rather than simply following current culture. Like a good friend, Sena comes alongside the youth and supports and encourages them.

4 Spiritual Appetizer
5 QT Note
6 Calendar
8 How to Use Sena
10 Into the Bible

Daily Devotionals
14 Mark 11-16; Joel

80 Life & Faith_Revitalized Prayer
84 Finish the Mission_Thai-American Couple Find, Feed Those with Open Hearts in Fukuoka
87 Dear Sena_Why are some Christians so mean and judgmental?
90 Stories of Compassion_An Honorable Young Missionary
94 Walk the Walk_Barry Danylak: Singleness: A Gift to Celebrate
98 Sena Review

Weekly Bible Studies
102 Weekly Bible Study 1 Seeing Jesus Rightly
104 Weekly Bible Study 2 What God Values
106 Weekly Bible Study 3 Watch and Pray
108 Weekly Bible Study 4 Looking for the Kingdom
110 Weekly Bible Study Guidelines

118 Meet the Team
120 Credits
End Stickers

 ϴ ڵ QTԴϴ. ûҳ ̿ ´ ؼ Բϴ dzϰ ſ ֵ ̰ Դϴ.<BR> <BR> Sena is a comprehensive QT magazine that consists of devotionals, Sunday School materials, and articles geared toward teens. Sena offers guidance for building up the youth in the Word of God and helping them choose sound biblical values rather than simply following current culture. Like a good friend, Sena comes alongside the youth and supports and encourages them.

4 Spiritual Appetizer
5 QT Note
6 Calendar
8 How to Use Sena
10 Into the Bible

Daily Devotionals
14 Mark 1?10

84 Life & Faith_Dont Settle for Less
86 Finish the Mission_From the Field: How Can Your Church Help Orphans?
89 Dear Sena_My mom forces me to go to church on Sunday.
92 Stories of Compassion_Happy New Year!
96 Walk the Walk_Cheryl Marshall: Others Need Your Encouragement
100 Sena Review

Weekly Bible Studies
104 Weekly Bible Study 1 The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit
106 Weekly Bible Study 2 Jesus as Teacher and Lord
108 Weekly Bible Study 3 Recognizing Jesus
110 Weekly Bible Study 4 Do You Fail to See?
112 Weekly Bible Study Guidelines

120 Meet the Team
124 Credits
End Stickers

 ϴ ڵ QTԴϴ. ûҳ ̿ ´ ؼ Բϴ dzϰ ſ ֵ ̰ Դϴ.<BR> <BR> Sena is a comprehensive QT magazine that consists of devotionals, Sunday School materials, and articles geared toward teens. Sena offers guidance for building up the youth in the Word of God and helping them choose sound biblical values rather than simply following current culture. Like a good friend, Sena comes alongside the youth and supports and encourages them.

4 Spiritual Appetizer
5 QT Note
6 Calendar
8 How to Use Sena
10 Into the Bible

Daily Devotionals
12 Colossians; Proverbs 23?31; Christmas QT

86 Defending Your Faith_Defending Your Faith
88 Finish the Mission_Missouri Baptists Embark on Island Adoptions
91 Dear Sena_I know that Jesus gives us freedom, but I just dont feel free.
94 Stories of Compassion A Christmas Letter
98 Walk the Walk Drew Hunter: Friendship: A Joy to Rediscover
102 Sena Review

Weekly Bible Studies
106 Weekly Bible Study 1 Becoming Godly People
108 Weekly Bible Study 2 Our Hearts and Minds
110 Weekly Bible Study 3 A Happy and Healthy Life
112 Weekly Bible Study 4 The Value of Friendship
114 Weekly Bible Study 5 A Simple Prayer
116 Weekly Bible Study Guidelines

126 Meet the Team
128 Credits
End Stickers

 ϴ ڵ QTԴϴ. ûҳ ̿ ´ ؼ Բϴ dzϰ ſ ֵ ̰ Դϴ.<BR> <BR> Sena is a comprehensive QT magazine that consists of devotionals, Sunday School materials, and articles geared toward teens. Sena offers guidance for building up the youth in the Word of God and helping them choose sound biblical values rather than simply following current culture. Like a good friend, Sena comes alongside the youth and supports and encourages them.

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